From the Editor's Desktop
by Tuncer Deniz

Welcome to another issue of Inside Mac Games. It's that time of the year again. Usually around this time more Mac games are released than usual, thanks to the Christmas rush. By the time you read this, games such as Quake 3: Arena, Unreal Tournament, Madden NFL 2000, and Descent 3 will have hit the shelves. And with the games come game demos. This month we have some awesome games demos including Unreal Tournament, Descent 3, Tomb Raider III, Rainbow Six, and more.

In order to fit all these demos in this issue, we had to do a little trimming. You'll notice that this month's issue is a little thin of shareware. We also had to dump More For Your Game, our monthly collection of maps and scenarios. But don't worry, these will all be back in the coming months.

Oh, I almost forgot. In this issue we've also included Chimera, a new Myth II scenario that comes in at a whopping 86 MB.

So, as you can see, this month's CD is a little full. Be sure to try out all these cool new demos we've included and have fun!

Until next time...


Tuncer Deniz


Tuncer Deniz

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